Brookworth homes

a group of houses in a neighborhood


Sissinghurst, Kent, TN17 2BH


Burgess Hill, West Sussex

The Exchange

Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

a road with houses and trees in the background


Rottingdean, Brighton, BN2 7AB

£50,000 - Personalisation Package Available With Plot 18icon / tiny / long-arrow

New Homes Without Compromise

New Homes For People Who Don't Buy New Homes

Home buying does not need to be about compromise. We craft high-specification luxury homes in highly desirable locations – for those whose expectations are most people’s aspirations.

At Brookworth Homes, we do more than just build exquisite residences. We care about making the buying process an exceptional experience.

Experience the Brookworth Difference

a dining table with chairs and a chandelier

Luxury begins with the perfect location

Experience a superior standard of contemporary living. You will find excellent schools, local amenities and a wealth of sporting, leisure and recreational facilities on your doorstep. And enjoy easy access to London, its airports and beyond.

We combine generous living spaces, leading-edge technology and meticulous attention to detail. Delivering luxury new build homes that enhance your quality of life.

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